Fav Consecutive Albums by An Artist

There are periods where an artist or a group reach a creative peak and release a series of consecutive albums that are all masterpieces. These are an artists' Golden Age. Just curious, but what do you consider the golden age records of your favorite artists. Must be consecutive and "Greatest Hits" not allowed.

My fav is Stevie Wonder from:

Music of the Mind
Talking Book
Forfillingness First Finale
Songs In the Key of Life

Five incredible albums in four years.
I would like to add Radiohead: The Bends - OK Computer - Kid A. Not only are all three of these albums great, they all have a markedly different sound and show the progression of one of the most creative bands of recent years.
New Order

Power, Corruption, and Lies
Low Life

Then they started slipping, but hey, 5 is a fantastic run!
Stones 68-72...this period will never be matched...not even the Beatles did it...(they were a better "singles" band...hence their success).....
Cool thread. Thanks, Tom Ryan, for picking up the Band. I'd include Stage Fright to make it three in a row... not as highly regarded as Big Pink and The Band by most, but to me it's also a great album.

Good one, Bld63, on the R&B. Is that the chronological order for those Funkadelic albums?
Thanks Jayboard. I might have cheated a little as the list includes parliament and funkadelic albums (figured it was all the same p-funk/george clinton thing, my understanding is the reason for two recording entities was not only that funkadelic allowed more 'artistic' freedom but there were record company contractual issues). As far as chronological order I might have a couple transposed but I'm pretty sure these five were consecutive.