Turntable plays 33.5 Lps very slow

Hi.. guys all my 45 rpm Lps are playing fine , but as soon as I change the belt to suit the 33 1/2 rpm Lps, it slows down to almost half I think. Its deadly slow. It couldnt be the motor since the 45 rpm's are all fine... what could it be?
Well, if your LPs really are 33.5rpm, it's no wonder they play a little slow. ;-)

Kal, the rest of us in this thread new he ment 33-1/3.
Akhan, if the powder you used was baby powder it may have moisturizing oils in it. Make sure you use 100% pure talcum powder. If you did use a baby powder with a moisturizing you will need to clean the belt to get off the oil. To clean this old belt you could use a clean tissue soaked in methylalcohol, {wood alcohol}, Not rubbing alcohol. Also reclean the motor pulley and platter edge. This might get you buy until you get a new belt.
Good luck with your new toy.
I have been experimenting with it... and I have noticed that the glass plate when set on the platter pushes the pulley down and keeps on touching the pulley while the table is turning... it makes a noise of glass and plastic rubbing against each other... so I put a rubber band between the plate and the platter to prevent the glass plate from touching the pulley and although it made the plate unbalanced it however did increase the speed (not 100% ok though)... I am thinking now of increasing the height of the shaft (platter).. is that a good idea?
12-26-04: Jea48 wrote: "Kal, the rest of us in this thread new he ment 33-1/3."

I know what he meant, too, but I couldn't resist the little joke. Note the smiley, please.
thanks guys.. turns out that the pulley is loose from the motor shaft and its not set on it all the way down. All I had to do was push it down and viola!!! thank you guys for your time and your advice...