EMM Labs CDSA SE vs DCS Puccini

Is that someone who could give me sound and qualitative differences between the DCS Puccini and the EMM Labs CDSA SE.
And in which way one or the other sounds better.
Thank you to share your experiences.
It would be better to stay away from these two players with Philips transports if you are buying used with expired warranties.
See the latest thread on the MF Trivista SACD player.
While I love the EMM Labs players, I agree with Jon 2020 on his point about the Philips transports. The CDSA, and the CDSD transport, have had some reliability problems (my transport initially had problems, and the same with a friend's CDSA), and parts for their repair may be hard to get. I wound up getting an EMM Labs XDS1 principally for the Esoteric transport mechanism, though the sonic improvements were notable as well. However, I understand, from the Stereophile review, that the Puccini uses the Esoteric mechanism as well (the prior one-box player from dCS, the P8i, did not, and was trouble-prone, as the Stereophile review of the Puccini notes). For that reason, while I have preferred the EMM Labs players sonically, between the two players you mention the Puccini would be the choice. I would also suggest that you consider a used EMM Labs XDS1. My experience with the two brands is that they are both excellent, but I always felt that the EMM Labs house sound was more natural and believable to me, particularly with respect to dynamics (I felt the earlier dCS sound from their Elgar and other DACs and the P8i were just a little "polite" in that regard, though I admittedly haven't heard the Puccini). Others who have bought the dCS gear will probably disagree; at this level of performance it's hard to go wrong. One other potential player you might want to consider and hear is the Playback Designs player, which I have heard and with which I was very impressed.
Thank you for your answer Jon2020.
I am actually an owner of a CDSA SE, with the last transport (not Philips). I know that there were some problems with the Phillips transport.
My CDSA SE is on sale.
The Puccini uses an Esoteric UMK5 transport.
I just want to know about the sound quality differences of the Puccini compared with the CDSA SE.
Thank you for your help Jon2020, I will have a look on the Trivista.