Anybody own Shanling CD player?

Anybody own or listened to Shanling CD player. How do they sound compare to other CD player? Thanks
Wow Allied, the Rega and the Classe .3 "were far more musical, layered and textured" than the Shanling? If so, the new version will have to be ALOT better than it's predecessor to be a real contender, even at the $2k price point. Seems like the RCA only outs might be a compromise if you have an amp or pre amp that has an xlr signal path that is shorter or better designed than its RCA run.
Good luck Sean, I've usually had to work my butt off before I could get any money out of a tree.
Ljgj, too bad it's not that simple. I would become a lumberjack if it was : ) I also agree about the sonics of these. If they aren't that hot, we'll start seeing them on this and similar websites soon enough. I'm typically pretty conservative on what i buy but this one may be different. That's not to say that i think it is / would be the finest piece ever made even if modified.

Wendell, how much time did you spend with this unit ? I take it that you were strictly running the tube output rather than the SS ? What did the SS side sound like ? Sean
Solidstate was very disappointing. Flat, bright, no soundstaging to speak of. Sounded like any other mid-fi
Thanks for the info. I'm sure i could find this info out on somebody's website, but does this unit upsample ? I think that it does, but i can't remember. Sean