aestetix rhea - the groove - sutherland fono stage

I recently heard "the groove" in my system and I was very very impressed about sound quality. Now I am thinking to buy it.... Who can tell me if the groove is better then the rhea, or the battery powered sutherland? and... is the io signature a completely other legue?
My system is Emt 930 with emt tsd 15, pre fm acoustics, convergent jl2, eidolon diamond.
Thank you very much...

I currently have the Rhea which replaced an ARC PH 3SE. I have not heard the Groove but did hear the Sutherland briefly.

The reason I purchased the Rhea was the convenience it provides me. Since I have two cartridges and arm wands I can very easily change form one to the other and set load and gain on the fly. The only other phono pre amp that can do that is the Manley phono pre-amp.

The Groove must be ordered factory set and cannot be altered unless you return it to them. I have also read elsewhere that there might be a change over in command in the company. As to the Sotherland, I just could not live with the idea of all those batteries and them just running out of life ...that's just me?

As to the Rhea, I am very happy with it and have had no problems with tube noise or anything else after I got it. I heard so much about the IO from some of the folks here with good ears and systems, I felt that I would not being going wrong, so I auditioned the Rhea and bought it.

If i had to point out a fault in the Rhea is that it does sound like tubes with a bit of a darker taste. For me and my system it works fine and complements my power amp and speakers. You need to audition or rely on our experiences. The best of luck!
I recently found a Groove Plus here on Audiogon and, while still breaking it in, am completely amazed. I had the Herron tubed pre before. I know there has been some discussion about Tom Evans Audio Design and its health. I have had many emails from dealers all over the country and am confident of thier strength and longevity. A new verson of the Groove began production at the begining of 2004 and offers even better Lithos regulation. I have heard good things about the Aestetix and the Connoisseur.
Well,the Aesthetix Rhea I listen to is absolutely quiet, even with 75dB Gain I hear absolutely NO noise.
When I am honest, this impresses me, and the Sound is not mechanical nor clynical. I think, it's a good unit.
I'm not sure that I understand the comment that the Rhea sounded "darker". Maybe it is a system synergy thing. My Rhea sounds anything but dark although I am using SS amps.