aestetix rhea - the groove - sutherland fono stage

I recently heard "the groove" in my system and I was very very impressed about sound quality. Now I am thinking to buy it.... Who can tell me if the groove is better then the rhea, or the battery powered sutherland? and... is the io signature a completely other legue?
My system is Emt 930 with emt tsd 15, pre fm acoustics, convergent jl2, eidolon diamond.
Thank you very much...
I recently found a Groove Plus here on Audiogon and, while still breaking it in, am completely amazed. I had the Herron tubed pre before. I know there has been some discussion about Tom Evans Audio Design and its health. I have had many emails from dealers all over the country and am confident of thier strength and longevity. A new verson of the Groove began production at the begining of 2004 and offers even better Lithos regulation. I have heard good things about the Aestetix and the Connoisseur.
Well,the Aesthetix Rhea I listen to is absolutely quiet, even with 75dB Gain I hear absolutely NO noise.
When I am honest, this impresses me, and the Sound is not mechanical nor clynical. I think, it's a good unit.
I'm not sure that I understand the comment that the Rhea sounded "darker". Maybe it is a system synergy thing. My Rhea sounds anything but dark although I am using SS amps.