One more Power Cord Needed...Advice?

Currently my system consists of an Arcam CD92 player, Audio Research D130 Amp and Classe CP35 Pre Amp.

I am running a Kimber PK10 Gold to the Amp, a Shunyata Diamondback to the Pre Amp and the dreaded "supplied cord" to the Arcam. Any suggestions for the final cord and arrangement?
Power cords never really hit my hot button only my wallet. However I recently listened to and purchased the latest Sonoran Plateau from Starsound the difference was total dynamic coherence.. Tom
I've found the Audience PowerChord to perform well on my digital front end. Of course like any cable discussion, power cable threads evoke many opinions.....

Is this a great hobby or what?

Enjoy your search.
Ther is also a Kimber PK14 Gold for sale right now. If you like the PK10, why not the 14 for the CDP?

I replaced all the power cords on our downstairs system with NBS Omega 4 over time and it appears to me that there is a synergistic effect in using the same cord throughout the system. I am using the Omega, which is the Omega 4's big sibling, in our upstairs system and I find that the Omega 4 already exhibits many of the basic traits of which the Omega has in spades, at rather different price points: clarity, quietness, natural tonal balance in the midrange, extended highs.

The "downside" is that the Omega (and Omega 4) do a great disappearing act. What is left is only music.

If you check on Audiogon, you should find a good deal on the Omega 4s in the 300 USD range.
My CD player is the Lin Genki with billiant SMPS so it's a little funny with power cords. The only one that seemed to instill a noticeable difference was the Empirical Audio Magnum2. The images became much more solid and the highs smoothed out and got more dynamic.