Turrntable With or Without Suspension?

Hello yous guys.

So I'm looking to spend $500ish for a turntable with cartridge.

The main problem is that the turntable is going to live in a place where it will have to bear the brunt of my family stomping and clomping around it's vicinity.

Should I go for a turntable with built-in suspension or should I just rig something up or purchase some special mats to absorb the vibrations?

Let me knows what yous think.

Technics 1200 is the closest you'll get to what you want. However, it needs lateral damping. Why don't you put spikes on the wooden cabinet? That would be a first step to getting everything moving in unison...
Don't care, you NEED a wall mount. Or one of those $15k vibration/earthquake resistant lab supports. I can't think of the turntable that will accomodate what you are attempting to do. I do not think your list of contraints is realistic.
I remember a friend's Bang and Olfsen's (did I spell that right?) belt drive suspension table from around 1979 or 1980(forgot the model, not the targential tracking model) that was unbelievably unsuseptable to vibration. Of course this was more of a mid-fi product.
I agree with the prevailing sentiment here. A suspended table is probably not going to solve your problems as you describe them. I have what I consider to be one of the best suspended tables available but I know that if the whole foundation that it is sitting on is moving all the suspension in the world will not fix that. That is not what a suspended table is designed for.

I'll pose a different solution. Mass. No, not the state. A very heavy, sturdy, massive stand with a non-suspended table. You may have to DIY a stand like this, unless you can afford one, and then couple the table to it with good spikes.

Or, you have to move to another room that is off-limits to the rough housers.
I used to have an HK/Rabco ST-8 on top of a shaky wood cabinet, all on a suspended wood floor. The TT had a rudimentary suspension (putting it kindly) and would skip any time someone moved a teacup, never mind kids bouncing around.

Big fat Sorbogel footers helped some but it was still pretty bad. If you wanted to walk while a record was playing you truly had to baby your way around. One normal step and it would skip.

As the others have said, the scenario you describe seems basically untenable. Something has to give.