Upper midrange glare prominence --

I am not sure this is a cabling issue. I have an Arcam Alpha 8R integrated which is warm, Paradigm Studio Reference 20 v.2 monitors and a Denon DCM370 (Burr-Brown). I have been spending a lot of time auditioning cables to counter the metal tweeters in the Paradigms--both speaker cable and interconnects. I have become aware of another problem--no matter what cables I listen to--it seems like voice and guitar are whacking me on the head as I listen. Too prominent. What are counter-measures for upper midrange problems like this?
I've experienced midrange glare in the past that was ameliorated by adding Sonex panels on the side surfaces where first reflections took place. Toeing-in my monitors and a different amp that didn't have those same frequency prominances also lessened the glare to the point where the panels were no longer necessary.
EQ rules! You could get a Z-Systems rdp-1 for a measly 5K.


p.s. Rives is correct, as is becoming their pattern here. (Careful, Rives, they will run you away if you start making too much sense.)
Suggest you try MIT interconnects on the CD player. Also, you may want to investigate the AH! LS Noise Killer filter. This is a series filter you connect to the tweeter connectors on your speakers. It effects a subtle roll off of the highs. I have B&W DM 602s2 which have metal dome tweeters and the AH has sweetened up the sound nicely. It only costs $50, but I don't think it is returnable.