Best Inexpensive Tuner?

I need a FM tuner for my home system, but don't want to shell out big bucks (more than $300, new or used). Can y'all suggest a few options?

Agre with the Yamaha T2.I got one as a fluke (part of a whole stereo as a package on the cheap from somebody who was moving) and founf it had a cult status/I have always like tunes with the highly selctive Schotz circutryas in older NAD 4 series and Nakamichi ST7's.
Denon TU-800 would be a good used recommendation especially if you live in an urban environment or where favorite stations are close to adjacent strong signals.
Try the T2 for $299 from:
I don't think this is the Yamaha people mentioned above. I'd like to know where you could buy that one.
I asked Don Scott exactly what he does when he mods tuners and / or for spec's (Sensitivty, Selectivity etc.).
Never got a response. Maybe he's too busy.

But I would want to know exactly what measured improvements to expect before paying out money.