Satori Shotgun or Hologram

According to "Stereophile" Satori shotgun is to be used on 3 or 4 way speakers and Hologram for 2 ways.
My B&W CDM7NT's are considered a 2 1/2 way so which cable do I use?
First and very small system: Krell 300i int.amp w/Krell 300cd and the 7nt's,also shopping around for a decent sub at this point. I have not heard the N803's but I thought 7nt's sounded very good with a sub. Anyhow I appreciate everyone's advise. I wouldn't have known about those cheap jumper plates or overspending on cables for a little system like mine without your advises.Even yours Rsbeck!
Hope you don't mind me calling on you again for advises!
Rsbeck, I dont think 67chevelle made the assumption that Satori's/Holograms will make CDM-7NTs sound like N803s and neither do I. Dont get me wrong, I agree with you. Those are some pricey cables considering the cost of the CDMs. Maybe 67chevelle really likes the Satori's, or maybe he/she is looking torward the future when top-of-the-line speakers are at the ends of those cables.

Seriously those cables arent all that expensive, I have seen 6 or 8 foot biwire Satori's/Holograms for around/less than $500.00 right here on the 'Gon. Used of course.

The way I look at it, the upgrade bug will eventually bite and he/she will already have some really good speaker cables.
Chevelle -- That's a nice system.

The CDM7's are nice speakers, but you can improve on them
with the money you're planning to spend on cables and a Sub.
Personally, I would much rather have full range speakers than
limited range speakers with a Sub. I mentioned B & W N803's
because they are higher up the line from the CDM7's and if you
like the B & W sound, you might check them out. The advantage
of a speaker like the N803 is that it is full range and coherent
from top to bottom. I would rather have a speaker with crossovers
designed by an expert than to try to match up a Speaker and Sub.
I think you'd be much happier with the sound and you'd see a much bigger upgrade than you would by adding high end cables
and a Sub. Certainly, before you buy a Sub, try to A/B your speakers with a Sub versus the N803's and see if you don't agree.

Another speaker you might want to check out is Sonus Faber Grand Piano Homes.
I finally heard the sound of N803's and they were very nice
but also carried more than twice the price tag of 7nt's. I haven't had the chance to hear the Sonus's yet but they probably got the same price tag so maybe some day I may get to upgrade but for now 7nt's will have to do. Thanks for your advice. I may be calling on you before long for more advice since I'm new at this. happy holidays