NEW Power Treatment Technique

I discovered a terrific free upgrade last night, with specific regard to power treatment.

I remembered that I have an extra, unused outlet on my high-end power filtration device. So, I decided to unplug my filter from the wall outlet and plug it into, you guessed it, itself.

I was amazed at what I heard! A completely silent background -- even with the preamplifer volume control turned all the way up!

Give it a try!
tho i've not tried it, i've been told it's even better to configure a snake to eat its own tail. -cfb

I have snakes, they could eat each other while feeding, but aren't dumb enough to eat their own tails!
This is only half measures: To finally have an entirely dark background I've removed the main fuse of the house. Now at last everything is quiet, I have peace of mind and this ultimate upgrade even helps to save money.