Ph.D. or Cat SL 1

I have a CAT SL-1 (finally fixed) :). Rogue M-150's, Magnepan 3.6r, VPI TNT 3 with JMW 10 arm and Benz H2 cartridge. I have been thinking about swapping the CAT (which is an original with serial number in the 2000's...for the Sutherland Ph.D. Anything I should know?

I hesitate to move away from tube into non-tube of any kind... no one sells the Ph.D. in my I can't demo one.

Any input :)

>>do you think that the SL-1 MKII might be hugely better than the original SL-1..??

Yes! I'm assuming that Reb had the CAT SL1 Signature Mk2 on loan. If that is the case, then the Signature Mk3 is the best version of the 3: SL1 Signature, Sig Mk2 & Sig Mk3. The Sig Mk3 uses 6922 input tubes which are much better & quieter than the Sig Mk2's 12AU7. Also, the Sig Mk2 "ate" 12AU7 tubes - tubes must have been biased hard. I had researched this before committing to the Sig Mk3 myself. Never looked back & feel little compulsion to try anything else. FWIW. YMMV.
I am not a CAT owner. I use a Benz PP-1, which I prefer to the CAT I borrowed. The question was CAT or PHD. IMO the PHD is crap. I have nothing further to say.
"IMO the PHD is crap. I have nothing further to say."

C'mon, why ? I never listened to it, but is this Battery design not good ? Or is it simply average sounding ?