CD Player for around 3500?

I'm looking for a CD player that I can consider my last. After this its multi median SACD etc. So I'm interested in a 24/192 sampler. Currently I'm considering both new and used so Meridians, Muse, Cary, Audio Aero, and even the new Sony muli channel 777 (replacement for the SCD-1) are being considered. Problem is I can find very happy owners of all of the above but now objective reviews.
There are no objective reviews in high end audio. Only opinions. The only sure way is to listen to all of them :)

My personal preference lies with : Audio Aero Capitole, Bow ZZ-8 and Electrocompaniet EMC1 Mk II.

But then again i havent heard EVERY single CD player.

If i had $3500, i would buy the Audio Aero.

Good luck
Think about the Linn Ikemi which I (and many others) think is the best for under 10k. Of course, I am a satisfied Ikemi owner!
If anyone will sell ther DP-75v for $3500(highly unlikely) I would buy it, but reality is those are closer to $7000 used, retail is $11k so its still a fair price. If you could find a used audio aero that would be your best choice in that price range, it may be hard to locate a used AA Capitole, so I would also second the Electrocompaniet as a good solution. I prefer the sound of the DAC in the 75v to the capitole, but it is also a lot more $$$. I have compared them both my good friend has the capitole and I have a DC-300(which shares the DAC with the 75v), both are top of the line units and would be good choices.
Sony Xa777es for $2000 with the Modwright/JenaLabs $1500 Tubed output stage mod !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!