ZYX Airy2-X-SB on Graham 2.2

I'm thinking of using this cartridge/arm combination. From everything I've read here this seems like a good match. What I'm not sure about is the SB option. From Doug's excellent review I understand this represents an integral silver hearshell weight. Does anyone know if the Airy2-X should have the SB option on a Graham 2.2?

I did a little research and found that the damping force is linearly proportional to the viscosity of the fluid and to the square of the area of the damper. That certainly supports your observations. All I was pondering was a way to adjust damping that was less sensitive than what we’re living with now.


Dear Doug: Tks for your answer, I can understand it.

*** " ..to post reviews or start a thread describing any parts of your system... " ***

I think that the best description on an audio system is to hear it.

Doug, be my guest at home. You will be welcome any time. This invitation is extensive for each one and all of you people on this forum.

Doug e-mail me with your date proposal.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Sbrown,please, I did not mean to be condescending in any way.I'm trying to be helpful to you.I really think the GRAHAM is one INCREDIBLE product,but,like a really good Rangefinder camera or a finely tuned performance car,it needs to be fully explored to unlock it's secrets.It is very easy to give up on something,and say it can't work within a certain combination,but,I state again that I am highly specious that those who have been unimpressed with the arm's performance never mastered the complexity of it's seemingly easy set-up.I'll probably hear about that comment,but,I'm convinced it's accurate.By the way,Ive been guilty of discarding a few previous products that I could kick myself, now,for giving up on.

I didn't take any offense to your post at all - in fact I enjoy reading them. You always seem to be both helpfull and gracious - something not all people do.

I fully agree with your statements concerning setup with the Graham. All of the adjustments are simple to do but it is extremely difficult to optimize setup due to the fact that all setup parameters are a function of each other,ie, you can't vary one independent of the others. So yes, you were right when you said that you'll probably here about your statement but is the chorus of agreement from these parts. I've lived with this arm since it was in it's 1.5T version and know exactly what your saying.
Question to Dougdeacon et al for advice.
Moved back into vinyl after a 20+ year hiatus a couple years ago. I am seriously thinking about upgrading my Benz Glider to a new cart (Is the Benz too smooth?). Before going on, I'd like to thank Sirspeedy for the comments on the Graham tonearm set up. Much to learn about this tonearm and maybe I've overdamped my arm.

Considering ZYX Airy2-X-SB or Airy3-X-SB for my Graham arm. Doug suggests that the Airy2 may be a better match. I assume that he used a copper wired Airy2 to match his tonearm.
1) My Graham has silver wiring, so what kind of difference do you think the internal cartridge wiring will make?
2) Has anyone compared copper vs silver internal cartridge wiring with the Airy2 and Airy3, in terms of compatibility with the Graham arm?
3) Would I be better off keeping my Glider for another 6-12 months to save for a UNIverse?
4) Any further insights and recommendations?

