ZYX Airy2-X-SB on Graham 2.2

I'm thinking of using this cartridge/arm combination. From everything I've read here this seems like a good match. What I'm not sure about is the SB option. From Doug's excellent review I understand this represents an integral silver hearshell weight. Does anyone know if the Airy2-X should have the SB option on a Graham 2.2?
Hey guys, just in case you missed it, Mehran just posted an ad that has pricing all of the ZYX line. Check it out here:

You can keep your flag at half-mast until your table is back in your hands and up and running, but you can toss the Red Flag regarding the ZYX pricing.
In response to your and my back and forth, Mehran posted all of the list and selling prices on his Audiogon AD (just click on the link that Joe/Jphii listed above).
Kurt, I would suggest that you do your room first with some good advice from someone like Rives Audio, and save for a UNIverse....it is the only way to fly. The room is a must to get settled to allow you to make good future decisions on any type of equipment down the road (just my two cents).

Mehran has been trying to email you since you were asking about ZYX pricing, and I have his phone number if you would like to give him a call. Email me offline and I'll send it to you, because I can't get your email to work either.


Point well taken on room acoustics. Unfortunately, the room has a large RPTV between the speakers to accomodate the family's video needs. I cover the TV with blankets when listening which helps. Not perfect but better than a sharp stick in the eye.

Thanks for the advice. Kurt
There is no need to send me any info. on this,as,since I stated in the previous threads,MY FRIEND,not me,is interested.I DID make this cartridge family a recommendation to him.The rest is up to him.As for my E-mail,this is a real mystery to me,as to why I can't receive info.I'll look into it.Thanks for the, kind, consideration!