ZYX Airy2-X-SB on Graham 2.2

I'm thinking of using this cartridge/arm combination. From everything I've read here this seems like a good match. What I'm not sure about is the SB option. From Doug's excellent review I understand this represents an integral silver hearshell weight. Does anyone know if the Airy2-X should have the SB option on a Graham 2.2?

Mehran has been trying to email you since you were asking about ZYX pricing, and I have his phone number if you would like to give him a call. Email me offline and I'll send it to you, because I can't get your email to work either.


Point well taken on room acoustics. Unfortunately, the room has a large RPTV between the speakers to accomodate the family's video needs. I cover the TV with blankets when listening which helps. Not perfect but better than a sharp stick in the eye.

Thanks for the advice. Kurt
There is no need to send me any info. on this,as,since I stated in the previous threads,MY FRIEND,not me,is interested.I DID make this cartridge family a recommendation to him.The rest is up to him.As for my E-mail,this is a real mystery to me,as to why I can't receive info.I'll look into it.Thanks for the, kind, consideration!