need suggestions - transport for EVS Millenium Dac

I have an EVS millenium dac which takes up to 24/96 input
I am currently running my cal icon to it via coax
It sounds very nice and revealing but I can't help thinking that I can still improve on the transport

not wanting to spend a ton of money ($400 -$800)

need input on best transports Cal Delta? Theta? which models? DVD?
favor picking up a used piece on audiogon

are the new DVD-A/CD universal transports out yet?

any recommendations on cables?



thanks for the heads up on the teac/wadia piece
that's awful nice giving me the nod on that one

I may snag it if it's still available
I sent a note into the owner already, thanks

I can't believe Ric has discontinued his Milleniums,
but then being the tweek he is, he felt more comfortable doing full unit mods. I'll keep my dac and it will be the center of my digital playback system for years


wasn't it you who had a slight hum in your evs and had ric look at it? I still can't get rid of my slight hum, I loosened nut holding the power supply and still get a subtle hum.

I'm curious what coax cable you are using
or would I be better sending my unit back and going to balanced inputs (I have the option)


Hey Tom,
I tried pairing several transports with my Bel Canto Dac, and found that a DVD player, while good, was not nearly as good in my system as a dedicated redbook transport. I settled on a used Proceed CDD, which is a little out of the price range you mention, but also tried and liked the Theta Pearl quite a bit, which is in your range if you can find a lightly used model. Also, the Pioneer 525 I used sounded distinctly better through coax (Acoustic Zen Photon, with which I am very happy) than through any of several Toslink cables in 1 or 2 meters. Hope this helps.

Tom, i also liked the Pearl with the Mill II. It is also a decent cosmetic match if things of that nature matter to you or your "better half".

In terms of having a hum, yes, that was me. I ended up sending that DAC back to Ric as an outright return because of it. After trying a few other dac's, i ended up buying another Millennium II. This one is slightly different in that it i can run it directly courtesy of his built in attenuators with their own output jacks or run it into the preamp via the standard line level outputs. I've never run it direct though, as i have other sources in that system and can't spare the versatility of a preamp.

As it is, I think that there is some kind of "problem" between the preamp that i'm running and the Mill II, but it still sounds better than all of the other combo's that i tried. If i can find something that reduces or removes the hum, i'll let you know.

As to the Teac, is it still available or gone ? As mentioned in the original ad, it uses a mechanism that is highly respected and the basis for machines that cost THOUSANDS of dollars. As such, it would make for a great transport at a reasonable price. Sean

I jumped on that transport! thanks for the tip!

I used to sell Wadia's moonlighting in my friend's shop, so I am well aware of their sonic characteristics. Didn't think I'd ever be able to afford one.

The person with the teac had a few standing offers for $50 less so I took his initial price and ran with it. Now just need to settle up, thanks.

I'll let you know how I make out

My EVS's hum is not that noticeable, but I still wish it wasn't there. I have not tried grounding it yet.

I also have the attenuators although I always use the dac straight into the preamp. I can toggle switch on the back of my Audio Research D200 amp between balanced and single ended input, so I could set it up that way, but I don't. One day though this may make it to my bedroom system then I wouldn't need a preamp.

I am a bit miffed that Ric is no longer making the millenium, but then again he seems to want to work strictly on straight mods. I auditioned the Millenium against an Audio Research Dac 3 and a Sonic Frontiers CDP1 and the Millenium was so much more revealing.

I asked Ric a number of times if he would produce a balanced output version of his dac, but he isn't interested. Anyone know of someone who might be able to do this? I am purchasing an Audio Research LS 5, which is all balanced inputs, so it looks like I'll be buying a lot of single ended to balanced cheater plugs.

I have been interested in the low end toshiba DVD/CD/DVD-A machines (4700, 5700) which can be purchased for $270-$400, but not sure if they truly output a DVD-A 24/96 signal.

Sean, what coax cable are you using from transport to dac?


Glad that you were able to snag that piece. Now i just hope that you like it : )

I hear where you are coming from about Ric discontinuing production on these pieces. As it is, i currently have a Mill II, my brother is running a Mill 1A and i'm looking for another Mill 1A or 1B for my Father's system. As good as the Mill II is, the Mill 1A or 1B is not that far behind overall and is a REAL bargain in my mind.

As to digital cables, i'm currently "sperimentin" quite a bit. I've got an FMS Digital Data, a Tara Labs cable, a McCormack Wonderlink, a Canare with "true 75 ohm" connectors, etc... I'm waiting on the arrival of a Kimber Illuminations D-60 that should be here tomorrow. I've never "burned" any of these on my Mobie, but i really should. I think that doing such would level the playing field out somewhat. The McCormack needs it the most, as it is the brightest.

As it is, i currently prefer the Tara out of those mentioned. The D-60 is silver, so i want to see what that does to the system before i burn it in. Albert is sending up a couple of low cost cables for me to burn for him, so we'll see how those stack up also.

In terms of converting the DAC to balanced, i would not attempt it. Not only would this alter the sonics of the DAC, it would probably not be monetarily worthwhile. I'm sure that you can find someone to do it for you though, so long as you have the cash to wave in front of their face.

Can't help you with the Panasonic units, as i know nothing about them.

I still have to play with the system that the Mill II is in in terms of the grounding scheme. While what i have in mind might not solve the problem, i think it might help lower the noise floor of the system overall. Sean