Purist Audio : Venustas vs. Dominus?

Anyone have hands on experience with these 2 cables and are able to describe the differences?
I haven't used the Dominus, a bit out of my range, but I'm currently using mostly Venustas in my system and couldn't be happier. I have tried quite a few before that, and settled with the Venustas for their accuracy, clarity, details, and extension.
Yes, the venustas are excellent (I have IC and speaker cables). They made a very noticeable improvement in my system: clear, accurate, neutral, yes, but also PALPABLE.
I've listened to both extensively and the Dominus is definately in a class by itself. Compared to the Venustas it portrays a wider and deeper soundstage with an extremely higher degree of realism; instruments and voices sound so real it is almost spooky. The Venustas is great cable though; it is essentially a Dominus on a smaller scale.
From my brief conversation with Jim, Venustas cable benefits by its advanced metalergy due to use of Ferox. It is quieter, provides better rf, EMI and vibration protection. It approaches about 90% of what Dominus provides at a substantially lower price point. Quieter cable means hearing more detail. Proteus and Colossus are still great cables and beat a lot of
other cables out there but Venustas is his new wonder child.
I use a combination of Venustas and Colossus and really enjoy them over my previous high end brands.
I am interested in a Purist speaker cable now that I have been very impressed with the Colossus interconnect I picked up. Was Proteus a higher grade cable versus Colossus in the previous lineup? Proteus cables seem to be fetching a higher price on the used market, so that seems to be the case. Any comparative experience between the two?