The reason you don't hear them mentioned as much as, say, Rega tables is because:
1. The Music Hall tables are not made for tweakers, and
2. This forum is full of tweakers.
What many people on this forum can't seem to understand is that not everyone wants to obsess over VTA, azimuth, VTF, SRA, anti-skate force or the whether to use the Baerwald or one-point alignment method. Or that not everyone constantly feels the need to upgrade. Some just want a table that sounds good without a lot of fuss. For those in this camp, Music Hall tables are a winner.
Music Hall tables are also great to see if vinyl is for you. My first table was a MMF-5, and now I have a Teres. Obviously, vinyl was for me. However, If I didn't like the committment to vinyl, I really wasn't going to be out that much coin.
As mentioned above, used Music Hall tables in good condition are in demand. When I posted my MMF-5 on Audiogon for sale, someone snatched it up in (literally) 20 minutes.