Looking or a Used player/Dac for under 2000.

Hello out there-

I am looking to improve my CD source. I am currently using an Arcam 7 as a transport and an Audio Note 1.1 Dac and am looking to improve sound stage and detail with a used product. I like the idea of a single box but I’m not married to it. I am currently considering a Mark Levinson 36, a Sonic Frontiers SFCD 1 and SFD 1MK II. I’ve auditioned the Naim 5, the Genki and the Ikemi and was not really impressed with the difference. Any suggestions or input would be appreciated.
Hi, Hkvos. Although I've never heard your equipment, I'm a bit surprised you may find the Audio Note 1.1 DC lacking because I've read so many good reviews of it. It could possibly be the Arcam. I just got the new Kora Hermes tube DAC a few days ago, and think it's marvelous. Which digital cable are you using, and how about power cords? Cables especially PCs have improved my system in the ways you're looking for.
there is a BAT at audiogon for $2,200. for sure it is the best values in a single box, tubed player currently available.i own one that i purchased new and have never regretted the buy. it is a great player as is and can sound even better with tube upgrades. best of luck
Have the 1.1 Upgraded to the 1.2.
I had a 1.1 for a few days.It was ok.I then had it upgraded to a 1.2.Wow what a major improvement.
Anyone with a 1.1 get the 1.2 done to it.Mike Kerster of Audio Note North America here in Mississauga,Ontario can do it for you.
Well well worth it.
Look at the Cary 303. Mind you it does take a long time to burn in (mine took 2 months), but it is a remarkable machine.