What do I do with a FedEx claim denial?

Well, I have just had my first bad experience with FedEx. I recently sent an item back to the manufacturer for service and the remote was damaged during shipment. I asked for a letter from the manufacturer confirming the damage and the $200 replacement cost. The package was insured for $1000. I sent the letter in with the claim form to FedEx. As expected, FedEx denied the claim. The remote came loose from its compartment in the foam packing material during shipment and cracked. There was no visable damage to the box. What recourse do I have other than to get a lawyer? Hardly seems worth the effort for $200. I definately plan to cancel my FedEx account but then I will have to use UPS which is probably worse. Isn't this kind of thing the reason you buy insurance?
Sorry unless the remote was securely taped in place and FEDEx had to drop the piece 20 feet for it to pry loose, it sounds like its the packers fault . We all know that UPS FEDEX USPS are not going to baby our precious audio cargo. It is our responsibility to overpack our gear to avoid the anguish and hassel of claims when shipping out stuff. Double boxing with extra stuffing to hold things in place (like your remote) extra cardboard in corners etc.
A 25% discount is generous from Manufacture. The cost of the remote is not Thetas only expense. like many businesses each sale may cost them $ 50.00 or more ! to process, so they are not geting rich selling replacement parts at discount. BTW what is your time worth? It is probably worth more than your spending on this issue. If you bought the piece on audiogon you saved more than the $ 150.00 anyway !

Quite frankly, I am a bit perturbed at your answer. You illusory scenario is down right rediculous.

Again, I believe carriers who are qualified professionals with specific knowledge of their trade and craft are assuming a duty of care when they accept the considerations of their clients under specified circumstances.

In other words, they have no excuse to deny claims when a product is not in the same condition from when it leaves the departure point to when it arrives at its destination.

Don't give me the logistical nightmare scenario. If FedEx can ship a package from NY to Tokyo in 24 hours, they can check a damn package.
I also think that Viggen is way off base on this one. If FedEx paid on anything damaged no matter how it was packaged, they would either soon be out of business or insurance would be very, very expensive.

People would go into business just shipping stuff to be damaged to collect on insurance. Let's see how we can make some money.

1. Go to antique stores and buy damaged porcelain at a low price. Put it in a box with a very heavy item with no padding and insure it for the value of perfect piece. When it arrives in small fragments, collect!

2. Buy TV sets that don't work and then put them in flimsy boxes with the picture tube facing down. When it arrives with the tube broken, collect!

Don't think that wouldn't happen. People rip off insurance companies for millions of dollars annually in false claims. This would just be too easy to pass up.

However, Mchd1 makes a very valid point. They sell this coverage as insurance but it is not insurance in the usual sense of the word. Most people consider insurance as something that covers losses no matter what. Even if the car wreck is your fault, your insurance company has to pay. They may cancel you later, but they have to pay. The shippers should do a better job of explaining what they are selling.

I prefer to use UPS because they offer a packing service for about $20. They put it in a heavy box and surround the component with that expanding foam in plastic. The beauty is, they cannot deny a claim for improper packing because they did it. Maybe $20 is a lot for insurance, but if you need a box and packing anyway, it is really pretty cheap.
I do not intend to pursue this any further. I will either buy a new remote or go without. I have shipped many items in the past without any problems but I guess that I have been lucky. I have learned from this experience but I think that we ultimately do ship things at our own risk with or without insurance no matter how well packaged. This is a bit concerning considering the value of the components that we ship. From the other threads that I have read here on Audiogon it sounds as though these companies initially deny all claims as a matter of process and they seem no more likely to want to pay a claim even when something is completely smashed and it is clearly their fault. I understand the insurance fraud issue but I sure am glad that the other insurances that I purchase do not provide the same type of coverage as the insurance sold by the shipping companies.

Herman just committed the strawman fallacy. Please remove his post, cordially = D.