Advice for my first turntable/arm/cart please help

I am asking for advice from my audiogon friends on what will be my first turntable. If looking to give suggestions please see my system link below. I am considering the following tables based on what I have read: Nottingham Spacedeck w/new Spacearm, Michell Gyrodec, VPI(don't know which one), or Teres. I most likely will buy used and without auditioning which I know is frowned on. I have found that with much reading and talking with agon friends I can usually know what gear I will like before buying. I have never set-up a tt before so I would not consider myself a d-i-y but I would like to attempt to set it up on my own. I do have a friend who is into vinyl that I could call on if needed. I plan on using the phono stage of my DK integrated to start but will be looking into outboard phono like EAR or K&K Audio. I have been reading many many threads but would like some input/advice from owners of the following tables that may save me from making a mistake. My listening tastes are rock, blues, jazz,etc. Honestly I listen to everything but classical. Any good places to audition turntables in metro detroit in case I decide to purchase a new table? Thanks to everyone in advance.
Suggest you consider a Scheu Premier Mk II. The nine inch arm plinth with standard platter can be had shipped for around 1600. Add a SME from Hong Kong for 800 to 2100 (M2 is 800, 309 is about 1000, series IV is 1600 and the series V is 2100. That is about half of what they cost in the US. Extremely good engineering and easy to setup.

The Scheu is in the same performance league as the Teres, Michell, and higher end VPI products and is only sold factory direct by Scheu. The least expensive Teres is the 160 and the plinth and acrylic require finishing. The least expensive ready to play Teres is around 2500 for the 245 rosewood model. Add tax an shipping and you push 3000 plus an arm and cartridge. The Scheu is about a grand cheaper.
You may have nailed it with the distinction between the older and newer motor. My concern was (or was meant to be) consistent with that observation: older Scouts *may* have a speed stability issue.

The least expensive Teres is actually the 150 ($1,890) not the 160.

The only components of the 150/160 that require finishing are the plinth and armboard. The platter and everything else come ready to plug-and-play. Whether one wants to do that is a personal choice of course.
Ok, everybody is weighing in with their favorites, so I might as well too.

A Nottingham Spacedeck is an excellent contender. I recently replaced my 5 yr. old Spacedeck with a newer one with the Ace-Space arm. The improvement is pretty substantial and I imagine comes mostly from the new arm, which now replaces the 3K Anna arm in their lineup. Better dynamics and rhythm & timing along with increased detail and resolution is what I'm hearing.

Long story short....the Nott gets my vote in your price range.

It's been years since I've heard one of those Anything tables, Francicso. Could you expound on its virtures! ;-)