Rushton is right. Synthetic carpets are a dialectric! They WILL interfere with the electrical signal passing through the speaker cable. The better a speaker cable is shielded the less likely a listener is to notice a big improvement by raising the cables off of the floor, but even with my Purist Museaus, and later Venustus there was improvement.
None of this is idle speculation, it is common knowledge that synthetic fibers has dialectric properties that will affect the transmission of an electrical signal. If you don't believe it, leave your cables on the floor. If you raise them with something as simple as home-made wood tepees you will notice an improvement.
None of this is idle speculation, it is common knowledge that synthetic fibers has dialectric properties that will affect the transmission of an electrical signal. If you don't believe it, leave your cables on the floor. If you raise them with something as simple as home-made wood tepees you will notice an improvement.