Is it worth purchasing the VPI 16.5?

Having not had the opportunity to audition this product prior to purchasing I was wondering what people who have owned and used this record cleaning system over the years might have to say about it. Is it worth the investment?
The Sota looks good, but I have a 16.5. Galen Carol has the best price I've found by far, and he is great to deal with. Whatever way you go, a good RCM is a must. Without opening the cleaning fluids debate again, I only use Audio Intelligent Vinyl Solutions. DD brushes are good too, as are the Last brushes. Don't forget a good carbon fiber brush to dust before you play. The VPI brush works great for the first cleaning cycle.
Because the string is replaced each time you use it and because the arm tracks the gooves, I would strongly recommend the LoriCraft record cleaner imported by Smart.

I have owned several VPI and NG cleaners. In each instance where I further clean a record previously cleaned on the VPI, I hear a substantially quieter and more transparent sound after cleaning with the LoriCraft.
Just want to second Jphii's recommendation of the Audio Intelligent products. They do a fantastic job. As to record cleaners, I still prefer the simple Nitty Gritty (or Record Doctor) manual machines after some 22 years of using them.