Please suggest Preamp

I am looking for a good preamp, but I have a few things that the amp must have:
1. I have a pair of digital active speakers, so the amp needs to have a digital out, preferably coax. Ideally this output should be responding to the volume setting of the amp.
2. The amp should have at least one more digital output, which outputs to a CD recorder. Since I am planning to digitize all my vinyls, the amp needs A/D convertion on the digital out.
3. My budget is somewhat below $3500

A phone stage and maybe even a Tuner build in would be an appreciated bonus.

This is not too much I am asking for, but the problem is that most amps only have one digital output, and many do not let you record an analog source from the digital out. The best solution I have found so far is the Meridian 562V.2 Multimedia Controller. Other options are usually Preamp/Processors, but I don't really need all the THX etc. stuff. However, it can't hurt either I guess.

Please, if anyone can suggest a preamp that would suit me, post your reply!

The Sunfire is a nice unit with a tuner - it may only have one digital (coax) ouput though - not real sure - if so you could use the digital out from your Cd unit or Dac to record directly. It is in the price range.
the boulder 1012 (msrp $15k) would NOT do what you want, since its outputs (main and record) are analog xlr's.

If I were in your position, I would get an excellent analogue pre-amp Musical Fidelity, BAT, Rogue, Sim Audio, Bel Canto (some of these have built in phone stages or at least optional ones) and use an outboard AtoD converter. For example the MSB Professional Analog to Digital Converter is around $700 and is and excellent piece especially if you add the P9000 power supply (ca $350). This unit outputs optical RCA and XLR digital simultaneously and should sovle your output problem (if you CD-R unit will accept optical or XLR inputs). This would leave you enough to buy a new Musical Fidelity A3cr preamp (for example) at $1500 a good used tuner say $500 and $450 for cabling.