Purist Audio & Stereophile

I often wonder why Purist (particularly Dominus) never rate a mention in their recommended interconnects/speaker cables when they wax absolutely lyrical about Nordost, Harmonic Tech, Synergistic, etc,(even Radio Shack get a mention)and other cables that I (and obviously others on this forum) think are blown away by Purist, especially Dominus.
Any thoughts?
Advertising plain and simple - the MOST effective way to market a consumer product - the MOST expensive way by far. I'm not in the advertising industry but I do know if a magazine isn't generating ads they aren't in business long - subscriptions don't do it. I know for a fact one of my partner companies advertises more than any of our competition in my industry and he gets trips, cruises, etc all compensated.
All the audio rags are lightweight tricks as compared to the biggest prostitute of all, Consumer Reports.
These "advertising" rants ring hollow!!! Sota TT's were not reviewed for years and had almost fallen off the globe as far as reviewers were concerned. Not because they didn't advertise, but because they were busy supplying gear for customers, not reviewers.

Maybe Mr Aud is content to be at the level of business his company has realized. Does he send products in for review??? Does he hound reviewers to write about his products (as some companies obviously do)???

I have never had one of my power cords reviewed. The biggest reason might be that I have never tried, although there are probably huindreds of more reasons too.

Advertising doesn't buy good reviews. People that think they do are either ignorant or foolish!
I've never heard Purist Dominus (big caveat) but I've read numerous discussions that, despite being very good, they are very dark as well as warm. None of the others mentioned (Nordost, Synergistic, Harmonic Tech) are dark. Might this count as a negative in the eyes of reviewers and mags who are looking for neutral, coloration-free cables as a reference?
You know, I ran across something else that might be of some interest. There seem to be a number of our members who contact various cable companies (smaller ones if i remember correctly) and try to work deals. The deal comes in the form of: If you (the company) give me cables, either for free or at cost, I'll promote you through posts on Audiogon, Audio Asylum, etc, if you refuse, I'll slam you every chance I get. Some companies apparently give in. This is why it is so important (and this gets said over and over again) to listen for yourself and not rely exclusively on the opinions of others, no matter how sincere we sound.