Help me understand the Cardas line of ICs

I'm a little confused by Cardas ICs. From their web site it would seem the top of the line cable is the Golden Reference, then the Neutral Reference, followed by the Golden Cross, yet if the prices I am seeing here on A'Gon are accurate, it would seem the Golden Cross is 'better' than the Neutral reference.

So what's a 'better' cable; the Golden Cross or Neutral Reference?

I put the Neutral Reference cable between my pre and amp and very much like the air surrounding the highs as well as the softening (without loss of detail) in the highs. Would the Golden Cross give me more of that than the Neutral Ref? How about the Golden Ref?b
I'm with Drubin. GR is NOT neutral. It is among the warmest sounding cables available. NR is pretty neutral but still has some of the characteristic Cardas warmth. GR is only suitable for matching with bright components or speakers that are a little weak in the bass.
I believe Cardas sells more "high-end" cable of all sorts than anyone else. That fact alone recommends an audition. The hearing impaired and those wishing to voice their home systems like their cars (frequently the same demographic) will certainly choose "neutrality" over "musicality". Only Purist Audio surpasses Cardas for overall listening enjoyment, IMHO
I've gone back and forth between GRef and NRef more times than I care to admit, and I think these are Cardas' best. They both provide a coherent musical picture. I agree with Nighthawk that NR is not neutral on an absolute scale, but is actually somewhat forgiving in the highs, as Mdomnick notes. I like NR for its overall transparency and speed relative to the other Cardas types. It's a good place to start. If you still feel that your system is a bit aggressive, try GR, which preserves most of the detail but is more relaxing, although the bass with GR becomes fatter and slower. I personally find Golden Cross way too syrupy and veiled, and if you find it is necessary for your system, then reassess your electronics.
dam, i just bought a pair of GCs. Well, I'll give them a try and see what I see. I can always sell them if I don't like them. Thanks for all your help guys.
