Anyone Tried Audiotop Stylus Cleaner?

Is this cleaner worth $80?

I went out and bought the Magic Eraser. I had thoughly cleaned the stylus with the Mozno Zero Dust and played the record. I then cleaned it with the Magic Eraser and replayed it. I heard no improvement. I then used the AudioTop stylus cleaner and again replayed the record. The bass was noticably more extended and there was more ambience. The Magic Eraser is definitely cheap.
Tbg, If I spent 80.00 on stylus cleaner, my brain would definitly tell my ears it's better. Rather than you know what.
I would be concerned with using any "unproven" solvent on my stylus. If using too much liquid, the solvent can wick up the cantilever into the suspension components. This can either cause a slow but premature drying / cracking of the elastomers used there or a much quicker death depending on just how strong those solvents are. Finding out that your "budget" stylus cleaner just ruined your expensive cartridge wouldn't make it much of a bargain in the long run. Then again, ruining your expensive cartridge with some expensive stylus cleaner wouldn't be good either. Sean

Good point.

Of course the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (aka, budget stylus cleaner) contains no solvents or liquids of any kind. Therefore, the risk you so correctly described is precisely ZERO.

Thank you for making that clear,