IC advice needed

I need to replace a set of interconnects and my local dealer has a limited selection. I was thinking about buying the Audio Quest "Jaguar" at $300 per meter. I would rather not drop that much on an IC right now. What used IC in the $200 range would better the "Jaguar". What about the DBS technology? Is that all it's cracked up to be?
I need new IC's in order to listen to music, so a quick decision is needed. Any advice will be most helpful.
For a very quick fix, go get a set of RS Gold for $10.00, then take your time picking out something w/o any pressure to complete a sale "just because".

BTW, my recommendation for an under $200.00 IC is the Chris VH Pulsar.
BEL -the wire is right around $200. I use them for both analog stereo and digital connection and between my amp /preamp. I know dealers that have sold off their Nordost Valhalla's and use BEL cables exclusively on tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment. If you haven't tried them.....I also agree w/Driver about buying cheap to get you through (Rat Shack or AR).
Mt10425, do you have the URL for the BEL cables website? Where does one get these cables? I GOOGLED (BEL P-1 or BEL S-24 or BEL The Wire) and mothing came up that is remotely close. Thanks.
There is no website for BEL. You have to talk to dealers. I know of two right off the bat. Audio Elation here in Montana and Audio Outlet on the east coast. I'm sure there are others. BEL stands for Brown Electronic Labs I think. If I can help more email me directly.