IC advice needed

I need to replace a set of interconnects and my local dealer has a limited selection. I was thinking about buying the Audio Quest "Jaguar" at $300 per meter. I would rather not drop that much on an IC right now. What used IC in the $200 range would better the "Jaguar". What about the DBS technology? Is that all it's cracked up to be?
I need new IC's in order to listen to music, so a quick decision is needed. Any advice will be most helpful.
For a very quick fix, go get a set of RS Gold for $10.00, then take your time picking out something w/o any pressure to complete a sale "just because".

BTW, my recommendation for an under $200.00 IC is the Chris VH Pulsar.
BEL -the wire is right around $200. I use them for both analog stereo and digital connection and between my amp /preamp. I know dealers that have sold off their Nordost Valhalla's and use BEL cables exclusively on tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment. If you haven't tried them.....I also agree w/Driver about buying cheap to get you through (Rat Shack or AR).
Mt10425, do you have the URL for the BEL cables website? Where does one get these cables? I GOOGLED (BEL P-1 or BEL S-24 or BEL The Wire) and mothing came up that is remotely close. Thanks.
There is no website for BEL. You have to talk to dealers. I know of two right off the bat. Audio Elation here in Montana and Audio Outlet on the east coast. I'm sure there are others. BEL stands for Brown Electronic Labs I think. If I can help more email me directly.
Virtual Image Pile Driver 18 IC's. V.I. has them at an introductory price of $175 for a 4 foot pair and $150 per pair if you buy more than one. These cables easily out-performed some Straightwire Crescendo's that I used to use. Virtual Image also has a 30 money back policy on their standard cables, 4 foot pair terminated with Cardas RCA's. If you are interested in trying them, you can e-mail Virtual Image at virtualimage@juno.com. Also, if you like, you can read some of my other, more detailed, posts about the Virtual Image cables by searching the discussion forums here on Audiogn, search "Virtual Image".

BTW, V.I. also makes killer power cables if you are interested in them as well.