What am I doing wrong? Can't find right CD player.

Hope you all can help me out. Here's my system: Rotel 200 watts/channel stereo amp, McIntosh preamp, McIntosh LS350 speakers. Now the problem. Up until a few weeks ago was using a MCD 7008 McIntosh CD player. Typical Mac warm sounding easy on ears but not much clear definition in high end. So I went out and bought a Sony 555ES. Well high ends are sharp as is mid range but bass is lacking. Also, I suspect listener fatgue will be a problem with this unit. Isn't there a 5 disc CD player that is a happy medium between these 2 units? I am really frustrated. Any suggestions? ps - CD player budget is $1500 max. Thanks
I have Mac gear for electronics and am very happy with the Cary 303 cd player. Used, it would be in your price range. It is a single player but I compared it the the Rotel, Linn, Meridian, and Rega players and it was the best player for the money.
Try an Anthem CD-1 ,if you can find one .It has
great resolution,staging and the added tube output,
so you can alter the sound with different tubes to suit
your liking.They are no longer in production but are
a steal used on A'gon for about $800.00 ,but they don't
seem to last very long.
It has a 6 disc stacker unit.Peter D.