Jagger gets a real job, finally.

Not really. But I'd like to know if he thinks he deserves the remuneration he's enjoyed for the last 50 years. Notoriety, yes, celebrity ?, respect...for what? Okay, so market forces drive the value of what we love the most(other than our wives of course:). But should a monetary value be placed on music? Should money be included in it's intrinsic value? Should I receive accolades just because I came up with a catchy tune ? Do I deserve to be rewarded for loving music? Seriously. Granted, musicians need to be payed. I also have a day job. I get it that the economy must play it's role in delivering the product. But the kinds of profiteering by the industry and the players is obscene. Did Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky etc. miss out? What is a fair reward for what we've been listening to and what's been driving our hobby? IMO, it's notoriety. Honorable recognition is the highest reward one should aspire to as an artist. In the meantime, get a job! That's my position. I'm curious to know what you guys/gals think.
Why single out musicians? Are hedge fund managers overpaid? What about large corporate CEOs? Why are college football coaches the highest paid employees at universities? Should police chiefs of small cities retire with $250,000/yr. pensions? The NCAA triple jump champion is a far better athlete than any pro golfer or tennis player, but who gets the big money?

Who said the world is fair? Again, why single out musicians?
First of all, lets make a distinction between musicians and artists. Just because I can play an instrument well doesn't mean I'm an artist. Just because I can skillfully copy someone else's painting doesn't mean I'm an artist. Yes, there are exceptions who do both. However, there are plenty out there receiving recognition they definitely don't deserve. By and large, those we are aware of are the subject here, including those of other genres. Imo, artists are heroes. Who gets paid for being a hero? Incidentally, amateur sports has always been considered the best, even before it developed into what it is. Musicians in general I agree are probably far under paid, considering. Is Bill Gates an artist? Are cops artists? I love that first response btw. And also Pops'.
Perfect economic justice or perfect justice of any kind will not be found in this world. I prefer the distribution of income that results from capitalism to the results of attempts to impose economic justice in countries like Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, etc.