Signal Cable Silver Resolution

Has anyone ordered (or better yet, heard ) these? They are priced even better than Signal's usual offerings, considering the standard terminations seem to be silver bullets.
I live in Sweden. And I was erlier agent for cardas and Silversmith cable. I stop sell this cable since I think they are to expenciv. Tey are good good cables. But cost so much. I buy one set of siver resolution speaker and signal. And also powercords.two of them. And I will not say how it sound now in my stereo. But if I say like this. My expenciv cables are gone! And I will never put them back. Not even fron TV . That say it al sir. I have now order more cables to the rest of things I need. And I not use this ultra expenciv cables at al. Cardas that go out is golden cross. And then as I say Silversmith. So this high rank cable I will say sound as cables that come with small systems from store in competision with silver resolution cable. And One ord about Mr Frank. You cant find a nicer seller. You have nothing to lose. He refund you if not satisfied. But I think you as we al say that this is fantastic cables.
Sincerely yours
I just ordered a pair. I have been using the Analog 2 and the Magic Power cables and really like them. I met someone a couple of weeks ago who lives right around the corner from Signal Cable who is using them and he says they blow the Analog 2 away, they are that good.
Slipknot1, meet Toudou.
AKA Joe meet David.
You guys know eachother, & you didn't even know it.

Sbank aka Spencer
You've revealed our true, double-secret identities. I'm afraid we're gonna have ta kill ya....