Signal Cable Silver Resolution

Has anyone ordered (or better yet, heard ) these? They are priced even better than Signal's usual offerings, considering the standard terminations seem to be silver bullets.
Slipknot1, meet Toudou.
AKA Joe meet David.
You guys know eachother, & you didn't even know it.

Sbank aka Spencer
You've revealed our true, double-secret identities. I'm afraid we're gonna have ta kill ya....
Guys, I've done a lot of listening to the Silver Resolution cables in two different systems, and I really like the interconnects. They do offer higher resolution than the Analog Twos and have deeper bass. They also have a bit more presense in the upper midrange where the Analog Two is a bit dark. In my view they are a worthwhile improvement over the Analog Two, but to say they "blow them away" would be hyperbole.

I can also see where the results would be system and taste dependent. I actually achieved very good results in one system using a mix of Analog Twos and Silver Resolution; this after trying exclusively Analog Two and exclusively Silver Resolution configurations.

Regarding the Silver Resolution speaker cables, I've had mixed results. The Silver Resolutions are the clear winner when used with my Aragon 8002 amp and AP Virgo speakers, but with my VSP Labs amp and VMPS RM30 speakers I prefer the voicing of the Double-run Single wire cables.