Transparent users... Question

I may be upgrading cable soon, actually I know I am upgrading the speaker wire to Ultra (w/MM) but my interconnect between pre and amp (LS15 and Proceed hpa2) is currently balanced Ultra (w/XL. Would it be worth it to go for Ref single ended or shoot for the Ultra MM balanced? Thanks for any advice.

I will say that after wiring everything with Ultra MM the change was nothing short of amazing.
Define 'amazing'.

But if you regurgitate the redundant poetic characterizations used by all 'connoissers of coloration' I will throw up :-)
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Amazing = Good enough for me to fork over my hard earned $

Transparent may not float everyones boat, but I like how my system sounds wired with it and it appears you get more and more of that as you go up the transparent line.

I entitled the thread "Transparent users question" with the hopes we would not get into the usual brand bashing that occurs.(especially with Transparent LOL) It is only important that you enjoy what you have.
Though that is not how to define, 'audiophile'. S

Rather, such persons are in search of audio Nirvana. A state where with little or no effort one is transported on the ship, 'psycho-acoustic phenomenon', to the Auditorium, or Recording studio, where the musicians create the music.

At least when playing those all too rare sonically superior, well engineered recordings.

But it is not for everyone. And even many of those aspire only to achieving a 'sound' for their system, which by the way tends to make all recordings sound alike, using their system to 'improve' the music.

But then there seems to be a true and a false, the fake and the real, in just about everything. Even that is OK, as long as you know the differece.

An artist told me once, you can wear polka dots with plaid, as long as you know they clash.
I have gone through the Nordost family of cables, and my observations are that you get the same sound signature, only improved and refined, as you move up through the line. Forgive me, but I'm confused by your post. Which Transparent cables (and where in your audio chain) are they being used. Which have you already upgraded, and what upgrades have you definitely planned, and what changes are you still not sure about. I have heard good things about Transparent cables. Sorry that I don't have the experience to advise you, but I would like to learn more about their cables. Thanks for your post...and good luck!

Now for a word of caution...Didactically will give you the standard "true to the original", and "masters of coloration", as well as just plain incomprehensible audio psychobabble until you want to vomit. And of course, the inevitable link to his Guru, Siegfried Linkwitz. There is some interesting info here, but Didactically seems to think that his approach is THE ONLY VIABLE method of high end audio. Apparently, he enjoys his system, but ravages through the Agon posts as if he were in the "Blues Brothers" movie and he also is on a "mission from God"!!

Note that his reference standard for "true to the original" is a $100- pair of Shure earbuds, with 3 distinct frequency peaks (according to the information on the Siegfried Linkwitz website). In addition, Siegfried Linkwitz uses a Sony TCD-D3 Digital Audio Tape Walkman for his master tapes (no super-bit mapping either!) Take this into consideration when judging his advice!