Double up on Kimber Kable 4TC??

My old setup required extra-long runs of speaker cable (Kimber 4TC). My new setup allows for much shorter runs between electronics and speakers, so I cut the long runs in half. Can I use two sets of this cable on top and bottom?
Actually, I'm already doing it (4 cables per speaker: biwired with two pair on each set of binding posts). Although the sound is, IMHO, great, I was wondering if utilizing this method is a mistake due to some specific reasons that only you truly informed audiophiles would know about!

Your advice.

I recently heard that the Homegrown Audio Silver Lace is excellent. My system tends to be on the bright side, I wonder what that IC would do, since it is silver??


Each "single" run of Kimber 4tc is actually one pair, with the positive and negative braided together. To double up, take two single runs (2 pair) and twist the all of the positive ends together and all of the negative ends together, then connect to the top; do the same for the bottom. You'll actually have four single runs (4 pair) in total, for each speaker.
2chnlben: My experience with Homegrown Silver Lace is that it can work well reasonably well with tubed gear but i personally would NOT recommend it for use with SS gear at all. If you are having problems with excess brightness now, this cable will not help and may actually make things worse. Sean
Thanks Sean. That's what I thought might be the case. I have been using some older AQ (Lapis). I imagine that the Lapis may be contributing to the bright side. You've been most helpful with your advice and suggestions regarding IC's. I took your advice and checked in to the VH Pulsar. I haven't made a decision yet. I did email Chris, who suggested that his IC's would not add any brightness. I'm still looking for some good deals on used Audience, Coincident and Music Metre. I think I should stay away from silver. From what I've been reading, the VH Pulsar are an excellent performer for the price. I took your advice and threw some cheap Monster in for now. I can hear the difference between the Lapis. While the Lapis may be a little edgy, the Monster seems slower and slightly mushy in the bass.

I agree. If your system is already on the bright side, they will not help your system and might make things a bit worse.