Audience Au24 speaker cables with Vandersteen

If anyone is using these wires with Vandersteen speakers, are you bi-wiring or using a single run? Richard Vandersteen has a strong preference for bi-wiring his speakers, but Audience recommends using single runs of their wires. There is a section on their site which says the problems and faults that arise from bi-wiring are seldom mentioned. I'm using AZ Satori Shotgun double mono bi-wires with Vandy 3A Signatures. I've been pleased but the switch from HT Pro Silway III interconnects to Au24s was quite nice, so I'm buying Au24 speaker wire.
I think if you talk to Audience, they will tell you that Vandersteen's are an exception to their thought on this. I would biwire them no matter what I used.
By the way, what changes did you notice switching from the HT PSW III cables to the Au24's?
I use these with my 3a Sigs and also use the Satori's in a biwire. I do use balanced interconnects with my Aesthetix Calypso driving the Ayre V5x amp.
I hope you're right because I purchased some Au24 bi-wires today. Regarding the comparison of the Au24 interconnects to the HT PSW III, the differences were not huge, but better defined bass, and a more transparent presentation overall. The HT interconnects seemed to add a bit of dark character. I'm running Au24 single ended from my phono stage and CDP to a Belles 21A pre, and JPS Labs Superconductor FX balanced to a pair of Belles 150A Reference amps operating as mono blocks.
i am auditoning the au-24 and i am really surprised such big sound comes from such small cables (they are still in the process of breaking in).

Btw, the people at audience are very nice, i called them up and left them a deposit for a 30 day audition. and they reffered some local dealers if i wish to purchase them.

The vandesteens are definetly designed to be bi-wired. if you wish, you can compare the jumpers to the extra pair.

good luck,

Bigtee it looks like you've made some changes to your system since we last corresponded months ago. How do you like the Ayre V5x compared to the Belles 350A you had? I know you really liked the Belles, said it controlled the 3A Signatures better than the Dreadnaught 1 you had before that. And the Aesthetix Calypso, I'm envious, others have told it me it sounds wonderful. Besides its great ease of use with so much controlled by remote (which I miss a little with my Belles 21A), how does it sound compared to the Audible Illusions L-2 you had? Your review of the L-2 was nicely written and gave the impression you may have found a pre you could be happy with for a long time. If you like the Calypso better than the L-2, then I definitely can see one of these in my system maybe next year. Do you still have the 2Wq subs we did the deal on? Cheers, Jeff.