beware of buying "used" CDR players-recorders

Just a quick buyer beware concerning anyone thinking of purchasing a used CDR recorder. The laser, which burns the pits, does not have an infinate life. They last somewhere between 2,500 and 5,000 hours and can cost $300 to 500 to replace. Often times making it not worth the repair bill.
(Think in terms of the old analog recorders, although, lasers can wear out even quicker)

Since there is no hour counter, unlike many DAT machines, you never know how many hours are actually on the deck, therefore, you may be purchacing a deck with little life left in it. And, since the price of decks have come down over the last 3 years, unless you are getting a used one for almost free, it makes little sense to buy a "used" deck.
Hi Ramstl; could you provide that site (more specifically) on where to purchase TY blank CD-Rs? I assume TY is Taio Yuden (sp?). I've read that they are supposed to be good blanks. I tried American Digital and could not find a reference to CD-Rs at all.

Good tip on used CD recorders too. Thanks. Craig
Let's see, that means someone would have had to have burned roughly 2200 to 2500 CD's. What are the odds of that? Heck, you'd get bored with the machine long before that happened. Sometimes caveat emptor can go too far.