Phono stage upgrade

It is the tine to upgrade my phono stage. For the first year of comeback in vinyl I used a heavy modded NAD 1130. For its price ($200) it is superb. Now, I would like to try something else.

My budget is $600 (including the power supply).

My cartridge is an Ortofon Super OM40 (MM).

What is in your opinion the best (used) phonostage under $600 for Moving magnet?

Thank you for your help.
ANother vote for the EAR834 I had mine modded and it is the last phonstage I will ever need.
Dynavector P75 is my strong recommendation. It can be had new for $600, or used for around $450. You do have to set jumpers, but if that doesn't bother you, this is an absolutely amazing phono stage and is very flexible, working with a wide variety of cartridges. It sounds way, way better than it should for something its price.
I can offer you a Threshold SL-10 which has an excellent phono stage, $500. If you go the route of a preamp upgrade that includes an excellent phono stage you gain the addition of an overall sonic upgrade plus cable savings.
Wright WPP 100 or 200 if you can find a used one. Hard to find used because most people keep them. I think they are $825, new