Need a system for Chamber music--ideas?

My current system does well with larger scale works - orchestral, choral, etc, and also with solo works. Where it struggles is with chamber music. String quartets in partiuclar are a problem. It is essentially impossible to distinguish between the 1st and 2nd violins. Maggies are always going to struggle with this due to the side by side arrangement of the ribbon tweeters with the midrange panels. I could go two ways.
1. A completely distinct system in another room, using monitors. If I go this way, I might like a reccomendation on a tube integrated to pair with the speakers, and the speakers should be able to go close to the wall for flexibility. A concern here would be decent reproduction of piano-- don't want to create a new problem in listening to piano trios etc. I'd probably like to stay under 7K for the amp and speakers new or used.
2. A set of floor standing speakers or monitors to swing into place in my current system for listening to chamber. They should be below 80lbs each to facilitate moving. The maggies are going to stay for large scale works. I'll keep the current system in place, so the floor standers should work well (at least initialy) with high powered SS amps like my Cary 500.1's. Again, 7K-10K, new or used. Accurate timber and coherence, especially with violins, are imperitive. It will not be necessary for them to play above 90dB. Also, the speakers must be able to throw a convincing stage for string quartets. Speaker placement will be along a short wall in a 15.5 x 19 x 8' room. I do like the sound of Sonus Fabers. Might be open to Dali's. Wilsons in this price range are out, and I don't like Dynaudio, Theil, Aerial 7T's. Haven't heard Ref 3A Grand Veenas or Merlins but you hear good things about them. I will not buy speakers unheard, so I'm wanting to generate a list of speakers to audition. When I bought my maggies it was a 2 year process. Your thoughts please?
Here's a completely out-of-the-box thought. Have you considered obtaining a pair of high quality headphones, such as one of the Stax electrostatic models? Aside from the differences in soundstaging and imaging that would obviously result relative to speaker-based approaches, they may very well provide what you are looking for. As well as taking room acoustics out of the equation, along with the smearing of detail that to some degree it will inevitably cause.

Best regards,
-- Al
The headphone idea is a good one!

I have Klipsch Image S4 earbuds and a pair of Stax electrets. The Stax have a lot to offer in terms of musical texture and detail, similar to panel speakers but without teh room acoustics as said. The Klipsch cost a pittance but are very good at just putting the music in your head with very good detail and minimal external acoustic effects to get in the way to help serve as a baseline reference for what is in the recording and what is not.
I think Almarg is spot on with his "outside the box" solution.

I hear everything my system puts out and more with just a more than decent set of earbuds and quality portable DAC, with my iPod. Granted, it's not the same listening experience as in room but that 'room' is now removed allowing lots more detail, bass reinforcement, separation and air.

This different perspective may be the solution.

All the best,
More good stuff! I have wondered about the Totem Manis. I should put them on my list of speakers to hear. I also like the headphone idea. That might give me a good option for chamber works while allowing me to continue upgrading the Maggie based system. I'm hoping more suggestions continue to come in, but I've gotten a good starting point and some ideas that would not have occured to me.
I agree with the headphones. Just be aware that phones can be brutal in exposing bad recordings. The old 'watching sausage being made' thingy comes to mind. Have many times sent me running back to my not so revealing speakers.