How's my imaging?


I'm just wondering if my imaging is what it should be, let me explain. When I'm sitting in my listening chair (which is positioned at the apex of where my front speakers would meet since they are toed in), I'm hearing the voices right (directly) in front of me. But instead of being at head level, they are about one to two feet above where my ears are sitting straight up. (Please see my system to get a visiual, under - man cave system) If you pull up the picture of my room, the voices would be coming from the area where the stars on the flag are.

My question is, is this correct imaging or should the voices be lower? If the voices should be lower, what kinds of things could I try to correct it?

Stereophile test CD-3 (track #10) is a great test of your system imaging as this is what it is designed to do. All of the Stereophile test cd's are interesting and have many uses.


Have you tried moving the speakers closer to you i.e. 2 ft and check vocals position changes if any?
Do you have any ceiling accoustical tratment?
It might be the case that a absorbing material at the ceiling tweeter reflection viewed from your listening position might "lower" the voice image if that's what you looking for.
Your comments
I've had exactly the same issue in my system and I noticed the following things. First of all the height at which you sit relative to the tweeter can cause the image to move up and give you the voice of god effect (tm). I find that normally raising yourself relative to the speakers eliminates this issue. This is if you're not already noticably higher than your tweeters.
I'll try and move my seating position in a little and see how that affects the imaging (I'd rather not bring the front speakers out too much farther if I don't have too).

I don't have any acoustical treatment on any of my walls of ceiling. I'll have to get to that some day.

One thing that I have to say is that the main vocals are precisely in front of me. I just didn't know that they were going to be as high as they are. From the way it sounds though, it's actually a good sign and also normal with some types of speakers. I'd be interested to hear what some others have to say about their imaging of the main vocals and where they are height wise in relationship to their ear level (sitting down in their preferred listening position.
Image should be at the height at which the recording was recorded...that is, if the vocal was recorded standing up and the artist is 6 ft should sound like he is standing in front of you.

The fact that you are seated has nothing to do with it. The test cd I mentioned above anounces exactly were the image should be with-in the soundstage as it is changed. If yours does not follow this simple test cd then something is a little off (or a lot off).

Of course none of this holds water for many recordings because of the way they were made (most pop music) could fit here along with new age types and rap ect.
