Why so many Indras?

Does anybody know why there's such a glut of indras on the 2nd hand market? My take is that either something better (priced?) has come along / people who bought cheaply are trying to recoup cash whilst there's still a buzz from the reviews or for whatever personal reason. The world of hifi cabling continues to interest more than most........
my 2m pair is one of the adds and it's strictly there because the 2nd indra pair..i have 2 in my system...does not give the significant benefit that the first did...which was/is amazing...and i am in the market for a different pair of speaker cables...dave elrod's new cables..and am selling the 2m pair for that reason. trust me..the cables are every bit as good as the reviews but the 2nd pair isn't that synergistic.
I did bought 2 pairs of the same Stealth cables and sold the extra pair too. I too found the combo of Stealth and other brands sounds way better.
Also, maybe some folks don't find Stealth sound not suitable to their ears.
As far as price goes, I do think it is a bit pricy and hard to resell.
Has it been discontinued? I can't find any mention of the Indra on the Steath website:
