Why so many Indras?

Does anybody know why there's such a glut of indras on the 2nd hand market? My take is that either something better (priced?) has come along / people who bought cheaply are trying to recoup cash whilst there's still a buzz from the reviews or for whatever personal reason. The world of hifi cabling continues to interest more than most........
No, the Indra is not discontinued. I use Indra throughout my system except on the Exemplar/Denon 2900 where I prefer the Vacuum Reference. I too think the price is high but relative to the competition at the top, there are many even more expensive cables.
Why so many Cardas. Everyone raves about them but no one seems to keep them. Same for a lot of other stuff. Who knows. Some are always looking.
Garyk, Serguei has only a limited amount of the wire for the Indra and he is selling it through dealers.

Michael, I, at least, have learned that it is extraordinary on some components and less so on others.
TGB, If you look at my Virtual System, you will see the Indra listed as one of my components.
