Levinson 390s vs Mephisto II

Is anybody familiar with both of these players? I have heard the Mephisto II. Is it worth a four hour drive to hear the 390S? Is the 390S better built than the Mephisto II?
What if you already are using a ml amp, would this tip the balance twards the ML cd player? In other words the ML can be used in place of a preamp, although their is not an output for a tuner. The ML calbes will allow one to use the cd player & remote to control the ML amp. This may be a benifit worth considering, comments.
Jtinn, what do you mean by sounding better with the drawer open?

By the way, whatever CD player I buy will be used with Rowland Model 10 and Synergy IIi and Soliloquy 6.5s.
If you keep the cover on the player open, it sounds much more transparent.
I tried this simple tweak last night and was very impressed. Particularly with less than great recordings the cover being open made the music much more life like and open. Thanks for the tweak. Do you have any others? Any chance of doing any damage to the player this way? Thanks again.