Copper vs. Silver interconnects

We are running two systems from one CD player. We have a SET (tube, obviously) amp, a hybrid (tube outstage) amp, and the CD player also has a tube. I love my Verastarr silver reference interconnects, but it's always fun to try out different cables.

I have listened to a variety of copper cables (Kimber, DH Labs, Analysis Plus, Harmonic Technology, etc.), and I find them to lack the clarity and lively authority of the silver cables in these particular systems.

My question is this: do I stick with the silver cables (or gold, palladium, beryllium, etc.), or are their some copper interconnects that would really be worth trying? I'm asking for your collective expertise/experience on this one, as I don't want to continue going through the process of buying and selling cables that are only going to sound veiled and/or dull in comparison to the Verastarr's.

Thank you for the input.
Thanks again for all of the input. I'm going to try out the AU24's next. I'm not too harried about this process, given that I really like the cables I currently use. I just thought it would be fun to try out some others, and I'm always up for that "Who woulda thunk it?" experience. That's exactly what occurred for me when I first heard the SET/Klipsch pairing, and I've never found a setup that I like more.

Thank you again for the suggestions. Bob, maybe I'll have to give the Belden's a try as well.
All the best,
Howard, setting aside the obvious issues of taste and synergy... I was (and still am) a big fan of Siltech, most recently using SQ-80 balanced interconnects (which had replaced Kimber KCAG). IMS these ICs ran just to the bright side of neutral but the soundstage was deep and well-defined. Steve Creamer of Nirvana loaned me a set of his SX ICs about four years ago and these ultimately displaced the 80s. The SX' are very, very quiet, provide a wide soundstage and complement my tube/SS rig. I hate to keep pounding Nirvana's drum but I'm amazed more folks haven't checked out this fine, moderately priced product. Just my 39 cents worth...
Boa and Pmt,

Saw your posts here and had to chime in. I am a percussionist/kit player. Two drummers I appreciate a lot are Bozzio and Weckl. Bozzio for his melodic innovation with his solo work and Weckl for his technical finesse and fluidity.

Here's a link I hope you enjoy of a 9 minute Weckl solo:
As far as I've been able to find, this piece is not available on any of Weckl's discography. Wished it was.

And, just cause I like to show it off, my kit:
The Kit

BTW guys, Silver can be the ticket sonically if done with the appropriate care. Can just sound more real rather than hi-fi compared to other conductor materials.

You're supposed to make me feel better, not show photos of a drumset that looks like Bobby Brady's wet dream! I don't have photos of my kit, but if you could imagine a 35 year old Rogers set that my father passed along to me after he stopped playing, with a host of Zildjian's, some additional Pearl toms, an Axis double pedal, and my prized possession, an 8" x 14" Brady She-Oak snare drum. Talk about tonal spectrums, that snare drum has it in spades!

By the looks of that kit, you must like Simon Phillips as well. He is a drum monster. I've always preferred him and Mark Bryzecki (sp) when it comes to rock drumming, and ironically they both play on Pete Townshend's "All the Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes" album. For total world drum domination, I have to go with Dennis Chambers. As a drummer friend of mine says, "Many drummers do things that I can't do, but Dennis Chambers plays things that I can't even decipher."

Great suggestions on the cables. I've not heard Nirvana IC's, Islandear (Great user name, by the way). Yet another one to add to the list!
All the best,
I think Purist Audio Museus IC's are amazing and amazingly inexpensive for what you get, which is neither copper or silver but an alloy. It's not just what the wire is made of but how it is made and how the jackets are made as well. I will soon be trying the Venustas IC's from PAD as well at a much higher price, but I hear they are amazing.