SACD or DVD Audio, which one is winning the race?

Before I invest in either SACD or DVD Audio equipment and softwares, I'd like to know if a trend has been set in the race, and if so, which format is winning the race.

Look at how many titles are available for both- then make your mind up, it should be pretty clear. You should visit the hi-rez highway at audioasylum they battle this debate out daily!
I agree with Eldartford, try both. Get a Pioneer DV-45A,
it's cheap, sounds good and will play everything.
It appears now that the manufactures, Pioneer, Marantz, Denon, Onkyo/Integra, and Linn, are making players that support all formats, that they will both survive.
The format that is winning is Redbook CD. Second place goes to 128kbps MP3/AAC. And the market has never been able to sustain more than two formats for long.