SACD or DVD Audio, which one is winning the race?

Before I invest in either SACD or DVD Audio equipment and softwares, I'd like to know if a trend has been set in the race, and if so, which format is winning the race.

I agree with Eldartford, try both. Get a Pioneer DV-45A,
it's cheap, sounds good and will play everything.
It appears now that the manufactures, Pioneer, Marantz, Denon, Onkyo/Integra, and Linn, are making players that support all formats, that they will both survive.
The format that is winning is Redbook CD. Second place goes to 128kbps MP3/AAC. And the market has never been able to sustain more than two formats for long.
IMO both will survive for a very long time, but neither will "thrive" . I went with a universal player, so I can enjoy Stevie Ray Vaughn on SACD and Steely Dan on DVDA. Hybrid SACD's give SACD's an edge, but most DVD player's will offer DVDA capability so who knows....But if you want me to pick a winner............It will be Redbook, the masses barely understand pro logic, let alone 5.1 or 7.1 channel inputs..........