Linn Sondek LP-12 happy/un-happy owners

I am considering the purchase of a new LP-12 and I here from both sides. Some say they are forever out of adjustment and they are a terrible TT. The dealer says that the adjustment problem is true of the old but has been resolved. Some owners say that they wouln't have anyother TT. What is the consenus of the AudioGoners that have owned a LP-12?

Obviously there is no "consensus." But to add to the fray, if you have not already done so, you should read one man's opinion of the LP-12 at:

I am a VPI owner myself, and don't have an opinion one way or the other regarding the Linn.
I have been a happy owner of mine for almost 20 years. It was updated about 5 years ago to current status. It has always been great! The only issue is that it needs to be totally isolated from all floor vibrations. My experience suggests that the only way around this is to have a wall mounted bracket. You won't be disappointed.
Re: the link. This blogger has no shortage of opinions and self certainty, but I wouldn't buy a brand of klenex based on what he says, much less audio equipment. For me his bluster is annoying, but more to the point, in my experience I have found several of his opinions to be WAY out of step with my my ears, and with what I look for in audio. His views are in absolutely no way authoritative. I am frankly mistified why some people take him seriously, but to each his own.

Now, as to the LP 12. I own one and love it. I might some day replace it with a Nottingham, but in its most modern incarnation it is a wonderful table. There is a group of vociferous LP-12 detractors out there, many of whom haven't even heard a full spec LP-12 (with Lingo 2 powersupply, and matched with an Ekos tonearm and an Akiva cartridge), only the (MUCH) older models. Don't let them scare you off if you like the way it sounds.
Happy Linn owner here. Fully decked out (Ekos2/Lingo/Lyra cartridge etc), but the most important tweak was a killer isolation table. I use the Mana with a Neuance platform.

Huge difference in all aspects of the music when on the right platform. When the tt was on a plain heavy wood shelf, it vibrated and sounded thin.

Also, arm/cartridge compliance is very important on a Linn. I had a nice Grado cartridge that didn't work worth a damn - put it on a Rega and it was a good match.

I'm in the "I've replaced everything but my LP-12" camp. It killed the Nottingham Spacedeck in a side by side in my house. Flattened it.


Theo, Nothing like a little I love it or I hate it banter to clear the waters all up. As for the "cult of Linn" ... Only initial purchasers had to go through a blood ritual of sorts (as is true with most product purchased at retail prices for the first time) but, I was of the impression that you would probably be finding a pre-owned table. Just to set the record straight, I wasn't tricked mystically into buying a Linn and it then wouldn't have taken me 20 years to figure out that something else, and than something else, and... sounded better. Actually the dealer went out of their way to give me excellent A/B (like/same) comparisons and I was very much seduced musically. But in the "real world" if you get a Linn with the "circus" bearing upgrade and the "lingo" power supply, I think you could hold up very well to what is available in turntable recommendations in so far. Again, there are a lot of great tables out there. Good luck