Power cords for Martin Logan speakers??

what power cords are people using with there martin Logan speakers?? and what are your impressions.
I use the stock cords right now,do after market cords work better then the stock cords?
My budget would be no more then 200.00 for each cord.
Since ML's draw very little current, typically 5-10 watts to power up the speakers...Its really a matter of using a well designed PC that rejects RF and is quiet rather than able to havdle hi current demand. I used Harmonic Technology's Pro-Ac10 with good results on my older Aerius and SL3's. The Ps Audio labs cords, Cardas, Shunyata Diamondback's would probably be good also. I think you have the right idea in not spending too much for PC's in that application. IMO. Best of listening!-Ken
I have used the original Synergistic Research Master Coupler for ML SL3's in the past with great improvements. You should be able to find them used within your budget.
What worked best for my Logans was them being pluged into a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet with Prelude PC.
You can pick a Standard U/O up for around $200 plus a pair of Prelude PC for around $75 each and have a few bucks left! I beleive the U/O made more of a difference than the PC in my system.